Thursday, May 29, 2008

Peoplesoft Peopletools upgrade : 8.49.11

Some days ago, I planned to upgrade to Peopletools 8.49.10, but since that time a new patch has been released, so why not try it.
My current Peopletools version is 8.49.07, and the Peopletools patches are cumulative, don't need to apply every patches until the latest one.

So, let's go for the upgrade.
Four mains steps :

1. Upgrade the Peopletools software of your MS Windows client

2. Upgrade the Peopletools software of your server (below on OEL4.6)
3. Upgrade the database

4. Redeploy your web server

Firstly, you'll need to download the patch (more than 1Gb, and that increase very patch) on
Then, of course, you'll need a valid customer identifier to get the password of the downloaded zipped file (do I need to say that's illegal to share ?).

1. Anyway, here we go first for the MS Windows client upgrade, easily, click
able and apply. At this step, you'll need the Oracle code licence for Peoplesoft Peopletools here (the code depend of the database you are working on).
Run the setup.exe file into cd84911/disk1 directory, then basically follow the instructions :
Here you have to give your current PS_HOME you want upgrade : Run the Application Designer, or DataMover to verify you are good or not : 2. On your Linux server now, nothing special, except the DISPLAY variable setting as to be used : [root@orion:/root]$ cd /nfs/software
[root@orion:/nfs/software]$ cd PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1
[root@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ ls -lrt
total 325804
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 976 May 12 02:46 readme.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 13 May 13 08:19 media.inf
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 7638720 May 13 08:31 setup.jar
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 31046656 May 13 08:31 setup.linux
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 81633280 May 13 08:31 setup.hp
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 47185920 May 13 08:31 setup.solaris
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 25104596 May 13 08:31 setup.exe
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 95426560 May 13 08:31 setup.hp-ia64
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 139264 May 13 08:32 setup.zlinux
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 139264 May 13 08:32 setup.unix
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 44913664 May 13 08:32 setup.aix
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 26 20:55 setup
[root@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ chmod a+x setup.linux
[root@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ su - crm9
[crm9@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9]$ cd /nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1
[crm9@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ ls -lrt
total 325804
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 976 May 12 02:46 readme.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 13 May 13 08:19 media.inf
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 7638720 May 13 08:31 setup.jar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 31046656 May 13 08:31 setup.linux
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 81633280 May 13 08:31 setup.hp
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 47185920 May 13 08:31 setup.solaris
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 25104596 May 13 08:31 setup.exe
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 95426560 May 13 08:31 setup.hp-ia64
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 139264 May 13 08:32 setup.zlinux
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 139264 May 13 08:32 setup.unix
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 44913664 May 13 08:32 setup.aix
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 26 20:55 setup
[crm9@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ export DISPLAY=0.0
[crm9@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ ./setup.linux -is:javaconsole -console

Initializing Wizard........

Initializing Wizard........
Launching InstallShield Wizard........

Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for PeopleTools 8.49.11

The InstallShield Wizard will install PeopleTools 8.49.11 on your computer.
To continue, choose Next.

PeopleTools 8.49.11

Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]


Please Enter your PeopleSoft license code:

License Code (characters 1 to 6) []: zm7ky3

License Code (characters 7 to 12) []: w41m04

License Code (characters 13 to 19) []: 4u863q6

License Code (characters 20 to 25) []: 7oke1m

License Code (characters 26 to 31) []: s7t1f2

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]


For a database platform of 'Oracle', are you installing a:

[X] 1 - Non-Unicode Database
[ ] 2 - Unicode Database

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]: 2

[ ] 1 - Non-Unicode Database
[X] 2 - Unicode Database

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]


For Oracle on Linux the following can be installed:

[X] 1 - PeopleSoft Application Server
[X] 2 - PeopleSoft Batch Server
[X] 3 - PeopleSoft Database Server
[X] 4 - PeopleSoft Web Server

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

PeopleTools 8.49.11 Install Location

Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory.

Directory Name: [/opt/PT8.49.11] /apps/psoft/crm9

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]


Please select the location of the installed Tuxedo software.

Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/opt/tuxedo] /apps/bea/tuxedo/9.1

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Select the features for "PeopleTools 8.49.11" you would like to install:

PeopleTools 8.49.11

To select/deselect a feature or to view its children, type its number:

1. [x] PeopleTools
2. [x] PeopleTools System Database

Other options:

0. Continue installing

Enter command [0]

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

PeopleTools 8.49.11 will be installed in the following location:
with the following features:
PeopleTools System Database

The following PeopleSoft Servers were selected by you:
PeopleSoft Application Server
PeopleSoft Batch Server
PeopleSoft Database Server
PeopleSoft Web Server

Database Type:


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Installing PeopleTools 8.49.11. Please wait...

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Setting Files Permission... Please wait

The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed PeopleTools 8.49.11. Choose
Finish to exit the wizard.

Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay [3]


3. The upgrade of database, 3 steps :

3.1 Open the DataMover tool within the Peoplesoft user and run the script PS_HOME/script/PTPATCH.dms

3.2 Open the Application Designer, and copy the projects PATCH849 and PATCH849ML if you are using a multilingual application.

3.3 Open the DataMover tool in bootstrap mode (the owner of Peoplesoft object, SYSADM in most of case), and run the PS_HOME/scripts/MSGTLSUPG.dms and MSGTLFRA.dms (FRA for French, if you have) :

4. Start your Application server and Process scheduler :

[crm9@orion:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/PeopleTools/PT8.49/PeopleTools8.49.11/cd84911/disk1]$ cd $PS_HOME
[crm9@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9]$ cd appserv
[crm9@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/appserv]$ ./psadmin

PSADMIN -- Tools Release: 8.49.11
Copyright (c) 1988, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.

PeopleSoft Server Administration

1) Application Server
2) Process Scheduler
3) Search Server
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-3, q): 1

PeopleSoft Application Server Administration

1) Administer a domain
2) Create a domain
3) Delete a domain
4) Import domain configuration
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-4, q) : 1

Tuxedo domain list:


Select domain number to administer: 1

PeopleSoft Domain Administration
Domain Name: DMOCRM9

1) Boot this domain
2) Domain shutdown menu
3) Domain status menu
4) Configure this domain
5) TUXEDO command line (tmadmin)
6) Edit configuration/log files menu
7) Messaging Server Administration menu
8) Purge Cache
9) Preload File Cache
10) Clean IPC resources of this domain
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1

PeopleSoft Domain Boot Menu
Domain Name: DMOCRM9

1) Boot (Serial Boot)
2) Parallel Boot
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-2, q) [q]: 1
psappsrv.cfg has changed archiving old one...
Copying DMOCRM9/Archive/psappsrv.cfg to DMOCRM9/Archive/psappsrv_051308_2336_04.cfg
Attempting to boot bulletin board...
tmadmin - Copyright (c) 1996-1999 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
No bulletin board exists. Entering boot mode.
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 036
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV

Booting admin processes ...

exec BBL -A :
process id=14083 ... Started.
1 process started.
Attempting to boot ...
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 036
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV

Booting server processes ...

exec PSWATCHSRV -A -- -ID 43641 -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSWATCHSRV :
process id=14085 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@../psappsrv.lst -s@../psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSAPPSRV :
process id=14086 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@../psappsrv.lst -s@../psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSAPPSRV :
process id=14094 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@../psappsrv.lst -s@../psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSAPPSRV :
process id=14102 ... Started.
exec PSSAMSRV -A -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSSAMSRV :
process id=14110 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -A -- -ID 43641 -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOCRM9 -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=14117 ... Started.
exec WSL -A -- -n //orion.phoenix-nga:7010 -z 0 -Z 0 -d unused -I 5 -T 60 -m 1 -M 3 -x 40 -c 5000 -p 7011 -P 7013 :
process id=14124 ... Started.
exec JSL -A -- -d unused -n //orion.phoenix-nga:9010 -m 5 -M 7 -I 5 -j ANY -x 40 -S 10 -c 1000000 -w JSH :
process id=14126 ... Started.
exec JREPSVR -A -- -W -P /apps/psoft/crm9/appserv/DMOCRM9/jrepository :
process id=14132 ... Started.
9 processes started.

PeopleSoft Domain Administration
Domain Name: DMOCRM9

1) Boot this domain
2) Domain shutdown menu
3) Domain status menu
4) Configure this domain
5) TUXEDO command line (tmadmin)
6) Edit configuration/log files menu
7) Messaging Server Administration menu
8) Purge Cache
9) Preload File Cache
10) Clean IPC resources of this domain
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) : q

PeopleSoft Application Server Administration

1) Administer a domain
2) Create a domain
3) Delete a domain
4) Import domain configuration
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-4, q) : q

PeopleSoft Server Administration

1) Application Server
2) Process Scheduler
3) Search Server
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-3, q): 2

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration

1) Start a Process Scheduler Server
2) Stop a Process Scheduler Server
3) Configure a Process Scheduler Server
4) Create a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
5) Delete a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
6) Edit a Process Scheduler Configuration File
7) Import an existing Process Scheduler Configuration
8) Show Status of a Process Scheduler Server
9) Kill a Process Scheduler Server
10) Clean IPC resources of a Process Scheduler Domain

q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1

Database list:


Select item number to start: 1

psprcs.cfg has changed archiving old one...
Copying Archive/psprcs.cfg to Archive/psprcs_012708_2118_32.cfg

Starting Process Scheduler Server PSUNX for Database DMOCRM9 ...

Booting all admin and server processes in /apps/psoft/crm9/appserv/prcs/DMOCRM9/PSTUXCFG
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 036
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV

Booting admin processes ...

exec BBL -A :
process id=14150 ... Started.

Booting server processes ...

exec PSMSTPRC -A -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSMSTPRC :
process id=14151 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -S PSAESRV :
process id=14160 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -S PSAESRV :
process id=14168 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -S PSAESRV :
process id=14176 ... Started.
exec PSDSTSRV -p 1,600:1,1 -sPostReport -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSDSTSRV :
process id=14184 ... Started.
exec PSPRCSRV -sInitiateRequest -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD DMOCRM9 -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSPRCSRV :
process id=14206 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -A -- -ID 197104 -C psprcs.cfg -PS PSUNX -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=14218 ... Started.
8 processes started.

And lastly, redeploy your web server application :
[crm9@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/appserv]$ su - weblogic
[weblogic@orion:/home/weblogic]$ cd /apps/psoft/crm9/
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9]$ ls
appserv cblbin data etc jre log PSEMViewer sdk secvault setup.log src utility web
bin crw dict fonts jre1.5.0 PSEMAgent scripts SecurityAddIns setup sqr verity webserv
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9]$ cd setup
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/setup]$ ls
AdvancedConfigurator endorsed parmfile PsCIA PsMpDbInstall SH UPGCOMPVIEWER
dashboard pkgs PsMpPIAInstall pstuxftp.txt unicode.cfg WINDOWS mpwebappdeploy PsCA psdmtx.cfg PsMpWebAppDeployInstall PsUa NOTESDB pscbl.mak PsMpCrystalInstall psrun.mak pt_responsefile.txt
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/setup]$ cd PsMpPIAInstall
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/setup/PsMpPIAInstall]$ export DISPLAY=0.0
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/setup/PsMpPIAInstall]$ ./setup.linux -is:javaconsole -console

Initializing Wizard........
Launching InstallShield Wizard........

Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.

Using the InstallShield Wizard you will install PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture on your computer.

Version: 8.49.11

Note: If installing onto a BEA WebLogic Server, make sure to shutdown any
running web servers to avoid web server corruption.

Select Next to continue or Cancel to exit.

Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Choose the directory where you installed PeopleSoft, commonly known as

Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/] /apps/psoft/crm9

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Choose the installation type that best suits your needs.

[X] 1 - Oracle Application Server

[ ] 2 - BEA WebLogic Server

[ ] 3 - IBM WebSphere Server

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 2

Enter 0 to continue or 1 to make another selection: [0]

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Select the web server root directory:

Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/opt/bea] /apps/bea/weblogic/9.2

Detected web server version: WebLogic 9.2.1

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Please enter the administrator login and password for WebLogic domain.

Login ID:




Re-type Password:[password]


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Select domain type:

[X] 1 - Create New WebLogic Domain
[ ] 2 - Existing WebLogic Domain

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]: 2

[ ] 1 - Create New WebLogic Domain
[X] 2 - Existing WebLogic Domain

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Select domain name from list:

[X] 1 - peoplesoft

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:

The domain name already exists. Please select an action:

[X] 1 - Install additional PeopleSoft site
[ ] 2 - Redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture
[ ] 3 - Re-create WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Archite
[ ] 4 - Deploy additional PeopleSoft application extensions

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]: 2

[ ] 1 - Install additional PeopleSoft site
[X] 2 - Redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture
[ ] 3 - Re-create WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Archite
[ ] 4 - Deploy additional PeopleSoft application extensions

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Please specify a name for the PeopleSoft web site:

Website name:

[ps] DMOCRM9

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Enter port numbers and summaries.

AppServer name:


JSL Port:

[9000] 9010

Authentication Token Domain:(optional)


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Please enter the Name of the Web Profile used to configure the webserver. The
user id and password will be used to retrieve the web profile from the
database. (NOTE: Other available preset web profile names are "TEST", "PROD",
and "KIOSK".)

Web Profile Name:


User ID:




Re-type Password:[PTWEBSERVER]


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Select the Report Repository location:

Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/opt/psreports] /psreports

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Setup Type :

Web server root directory :

Web server version :

Web server domain :

Internet Architecture app name :

Integration Gateway app name :

PeopleSoft Business Interlink app name :

PeopleSoft Online Library Infrastructure :

Environment Management Hub :

Hello Portlet app name :

Portlet Container app name :

Testsuite app name :

Wsrptest app name :

Site name :

Authentication Token Domain :

Application server name :

JSL port :

Report repository directory :

PIA webserver directory :



















Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1]

Total time: 0 seconds
100 % complete

Deploy Completed. Click next to finish the install.

The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.

Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay [3]


And start the Webserver as well :
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ ./
Attempting to start WebLogic Server PIA
No activity will be logged to this window.
Server activity will be logged to /apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_*
PID for WebLogic Server PIA is: 15179
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ tail -f /apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_stdout.log

Total time: 0 seconds
100 % complete

Deploy Completed. Click next to finish the install.

The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.

Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay [3]


And start your Web server :
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ ./
Attempting to start WebLogic Server PIA
No activity will be logged to this window.
Server activity will be logged to /apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_*
PID for WebLogic Server PIA is: 15179
[weblogic@orion:/apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ tail -f /apps/psoft/crm9/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_stdout.log

You can run a DDDAUDIT report to validate your upgrade.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Peoplesoft Application : Oracle database upgrade

Upgrade a database of a Peoplesoft Application doesn't change to upgrade a standard database.

For the upgrade to Oracle database, you'll need an additional required patch for Linux #6376928.

After upgraded the binaries, don't forget to patch the database as well and to run the utlrp.sql script.
startup upgrade
shutdown immediate

------------------------------ -----------
Oracle Database Catalog Views VALID

Oracle Database Packages and Types VALID

2 rows selected.

WARNING : don't forget to modify the rights as well on the library file (as oracle user, under $ORACLE_HOME/lib) for the OS user who start the Application server :
[ora102@orion:/apps/oracle/10.2.0/lib]$ ls -lrt*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ora102 oinstall 12 Jan 8 21:02 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ora102 oinstall 17 May 13 21:48 ->
-rwxr-x--- 1 ora102 oinstall 19009171 May 13 21:49
[ora102@orion:/apps/oracle/10.2.0/lib]$ chmod a+rx
[ora102@orion:/apps/oracle/10.2.0/lib]$ ls -lrt*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ora102 oinstall 12 Jan 8 21:02 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ora102 oinstall 17 May 13 21:48 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ora102 oinstall 19009171 May 13 21:49

If you forget the step above, you may encoutered issue on the Application server start (Missing or invalid version of SQL library libpsora)

It was quite fast, despite the size and number of objects of the Peoplesoft databases.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Time for upgrades

Since the Peopletools 8.49.10 has been available two weeks ago, I think it's time to manage an upgrade. And fortunately, the Peopletools patches are cumulative, so we can easily jump directly from my current 8.49.08 to 8.49.10.

Moreover, Oracle database 10.2 has seen some weeks ago a new patchset,
It has been certified for the Peoplesoft Peopletools (8.22, 8.46, 8.47, 8.48 and 8.49) with an additional required patch #6376928 for Linux/Unix, and #6981215 for Windows plateform.

Surprising, the Peopletools 8.44 and 8.45 are not supported at all on Oracle 10g (bot release 1 and release 2), and seems even not be planned.

Upgrades to be followed soon.

FSCM9.0 install : UPGPT848IBUG

The installation of FSCM9.0 for DEMO purpose is not different of what I showed earlier with HRMS9.0 and CRM9.0
By following the same steps, I was able to install FSCM9.0 without any problem.
The difference is mainly on the Licence code.

Well, only one exception. By following the installation steps, we have to run several Application Engine programs.

Including the UPGPT848IBUG for Integration Broker Objects.

It fails has below :
E:\apps\psoft\fscm9\bin\client\winx86>psae -CD DMOFSCM9 -CT ORACLE -CO VP1 -CP VP1 -R INSTALL -AI UPGPT848IBUG
PeopleTools 8.49.08 - Application Engine
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 PeopleSoft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Error retrieving Application Engine UPGPT848IBUG.MAIN component: Step Step01, PeopleCode (108,502)
Message Set Number: 108
Message Number: 502
Message Reason: Error retrieving Application Engine UPGPT848IBUG.MAIN component: Step Step01, PeopleCode (108,502)


Addendum : after rereading the Installation Guide (a very small note into), you should NOT run this AE if the Application you are installing has been built on Peopletools 8.48 or later. I'm working on Peopletools 8.49.08.
Consequently, the Peoplesoft application run fine, even without this AE.

Have fun to the Peoplesoft Installation Guide reading !

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Peoplesoft FSCM9.0 - space required

On that 1st of May and after the famous Queen's Day (Koninginnedag in Dutch), new task on my lab. FSCM installation.

Every FSCM version insrease the number of Peoplesoft objects. This one is not an exception :
SQL> select object_type, count(*)
2 from dba_objects
3 where owner='SYSADM'
4 group by object_type;
------------------- ----------
LOB 2036
TABLE 71871
INDEX 66194
VIEW 27267

Ouch, more than 70,000 tables, good luck to maintain the database.

Moreover, the DMO database is huge, around 90Gb only for sample (!), here below the biggest tablespaces (extents):
------------------------------ ----------
POWORK 575.875
INWORK 664.75
OMWORK 930.75
SYSTEM 1720.0625

I have to say it was a nightmare to build it on my lab. The indexes (number and size) are really impressive. I had to increase dramatically the disk space available on my VM, some good advices here
If you decide to go for a FSCM9.0 installation, check the space on your device and be patient, it's very long.

Enjoy with Peoplesoft installation !