Lately I have had to install Weblogic 12.1 and OHS 12.1 on a Linux server in silent mode.
Somehow, there was very small space left on the default temporary filesystem /tmp.
I was having to find a way to install within the non-default /tmp.
Not so simple to find the option in the command line, that's why this article as a note for myself, maybe it also can help others.
Weblogic 12.1.3 silent install with non-default temp directory
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java /appl/product/software/temp –jar fmw_12. -silent –responseFile /appl/product/software/Weblogic/response_file.rsp –invPtrLoc /home/psoft/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -novalidation
OHS 12.1.3 silent install with non-default temp directory, due to a bug, setting TEMP or TMPDIR environment variables has no effect (see note #1600443.1).
The same option can be used for EMC13c which needs 10Gb of temp space (note #2095000.1)...
./fmw_12. -silent -invPtrLoc /home/psoft/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -responseFile /appl/product/software/OHS/response_file.rsp
Note :
1. the two options are slighlty different... one cannot be used in place of the other
2. the option must be set at 1st position, error otherwise.
Thanks... it is worked.
This blog has a lot of good information, very helpful.
Manufacturer of industrial fans
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