Peoplesoft, the server part, has never been supported on Windows XP, and maybe will never supported.
So, why such article ?
On the Peoplesoft forum, there are a lot of questions about that configuration. And I receive a lot of questions. On one part I can understand for training and learning purpose.
On an other hand, I showed by the past through articles on this blog that was not so complicated, and much more interesting, to build a solution based on Linux with in a virtual machine.
Anyway, why not try it. I have to say once again, Peoplesoft (appserver, process scheduler and web server) is not supported on Windows XP.
1. Tuxedo 9.1 (downloaded from, Peopletools 8.49 folder, build B42600-01) Run the pstuxinstall.exe from the unzipped package :
On the following screen give the BEA HOME path directory you previously created. A tuxedo folder will be created inside. This version of Tuxedo include the rolling patch 036, you can check it into the file patchlev under udataobj :
2. BEA Weblogic 9.2 (downloaded from, Peopletools 8.49 folder, build B42602-01)
Run the server920-win32.exe from the unzipped package :
Choose the BEA HOME you previously created (the sane as the one for Tuxedo) :Don't need to choose a complete installation, here we don't need the developper part of BEA product, just the web server, check the custom install :Check only the server, the only one required componenet for our installation (that'll save disk space):Once more, we need only the minimal installation, uncheck the additional tool :
Choose the path directory where you want to install weblogic :
3. BEA Weblogic 9.2 maintenance pack 1 (downloaded from
Run the server921_upgrade_win32.exe :
Choose your BEA HOME path directory :
It should recognize your previous installation :
4. BEA Weblogic 9.2 maintenance pack 1 patches 1 and 2 (downloaded from
Since my try, the patch 4 has been raised, it is bigger, but process is same, you could try it by yourself.
Copy the files installwlspatch.cmd, and into the BEA_HOME directory you defined earlier. Then run the installation command from a DOS window :
That'll install at what required itself. Same for the second patch, and in case same for the latest one.
Check the existence of txt files with the same name as the patch.
5. PeopleTools 8.49 (downloaded from, Peopletools 8.49 folder, build B42585-01,B42586-01, B42587-01, B42588-01, B42589-01, B42590-01 and B42591-01) I won't become on that point, it's exactly the same process as the one for Linux, GUI excepted. Here below just few key screenshots :
6. PeopleTools 8.49 patch 11 - only if you are licenced - (downloaded from From the extracted package, under disk1, run setup.exe, and follow the exact process as the previous one.
7. Create your Application Server.
Don't forget to add a line with an IP address and your computer name into your Windows/system32/driver/etc/hosts file.
I'll use an existing remote Oracle database :
PSADMIN -- Tools Release: 8.49.11
Copyright (c) 1988, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Quick-configure menu -- domain: DMOHRMS9
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[DMOHRMS9]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[PS]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[PS]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[DMOHRMS9]
6) WSL : Yes 20) AddToPATH :[c:\app\oracle\11.1.0\BIN]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]
13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu
Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 13
Performing load prechecks ...
Loading validation table...
setting DBName=DMOHRMS9
setting DBType=ORACLE
setting UserId=PS
setting UserPswd=PS
setting ConnectId=people
setting ConnectPswd=peop1e
setting ServerName=
setting Port=7000
setting Port=9000
setting Listener Port=9100
setting Domain ID=DMOHRMS9
setting Add to PATH=c:\app\oracle\11.1.0\BIN
New CFG file written with modified Startup parameters
Log Directory entry not found in configuration file.
Setting Log Directory to the default... [PS_SERVDIR\LOGS]
Spawning disabled for server PSAPPSRV.
Configuration file successfully created.
CFG setting changes completed, loading configuration...
Domain configuration complete.
PeopleSoft Domain Boot Menu
Domain Name: DMOHRMS9
1) Boot (Serial Boot)
2) Parallel Boot
q) Quit
Command to execute (1-2, q) [q]: 1
Attempting to boot bulletin board...
tmadmin - Copyright (c) 1996-1999 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
No bulletin board exists. Entering boot mode.
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 036
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV
Booting admin processes ...
exec BBL -A :
process id=560 ... Started.
1 process started.
Attempting to boot ...
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 036
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV
Booting server processes ...
exec PSWATCHSRV -A -- -ID 64419 -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PSWATCHSRV :
process id=2652 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@..\psappsrv.lst -s@..\psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PS
process id=2664 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@..\psappsrv.lst -s@..\psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PS
process id=2136 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -s@..\psappsrv.lst -s@..\psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PS
process id=2716 ... Started.
exec PSSAMSRV -A -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PSSAMSRV :
process id=2684 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -A -- -ID 64419 -C psappsrv.cfg -D DMOHRMS9 -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=2728 ... Started.
exec WSL -A -- -n //INDUS:7000 -z 0 -Z 0 -I 5 -T 60 -m 1 -M 3 -x 40 -c 5000 -p 7001 -P 7003 :
process id=2772 ... Started.
exec JSL -A -- -n //INDUS:9000 -m 5 -M 7 -I 5 -j ANY -x 40 -S 10 -c 1000000 -w JSH :
process id=1728 ... Started.
exec JREPSVR -A -- -W -P C:\app\psoft\hrms9\appserv\DMOHRMS9\jrepository :
process id=512 ... Started.
9 processes started.
8. Create your WebServer.
C:\app\psoft\hrms9\setup\PsMpPIAInstall>setup.exe -console -is:javahome C:\app\bea\jdk150_06
You have to give the java home here jdk150_06, coming from the Weblogic patches. A new DOS window will appear to the screen.
Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.
Using the InstallShield Wizard you will install PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture on your computer.
Version: 8.49.11
Note: If installing onto a BEA WebLogic Server, make sure to shutdown any
running web servers to avoid web server corruption.
Select Next to continue or Cancel to exit.
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher Ó nouveau [1]
Choose the directory where you installed PeopleSoft, commonly known as
Indiquez un nom de rÚpertoire ou cliquez sur EntrÚe.
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
SÚlectionnez le type d'installation le mieux adaptÚ Ó vos besoins.
[X] 1 - Oracle Application Server
[ ] 2 - BEA WebLogic Server
[ ] 3 - IBM WebSphere Server
Pour sÚlectionner une option, indiquez le numÚro correspondant ou 0, lorsque
vous avez terminÚ : [0]2
Entrez 0 pour poursuivre ou 1 pour faire une autre sÚlection : [0]
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Select the web server root directory:
Indiquez un nom de rÚpertoire ou cliquez sur EntrÚe. [C:\Bea] C:\app\bea
Detected web server version: WebLogic 9.2.1
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Please enter the administrator login and password for WebLogic domain.
Login ID:
Re-type Password:[password]
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Select domain type:
[X] 1 - Create New WebLogic Domain
Pour sÚlectionner une option, indiquez le numÚro correspondant ou 0,
lorsque vous avez terminÚ [0]:
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Enter domain name or click Next to select default:
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Please select the configuration to install.
[X] 1 - Single Server Domain
[ ] 2 - Multi Server Domain
[ ] 3 - Distributed Managed Server
Pour sÚlectionner une option, indiquez le numÚro correspondant ou 0, lorsque
vous avez terminÚ : [0]
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Please specify a name for the PeopleSoft web site:
Website name:
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Enter port numbers and summaries.
AppServer name:
JSL Port:
HTTP Port:
Authentication Token Domain:(optional)
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Please enter the Name of the Web Profile used to configure the webserver. The
user id and password will be used to retrieve the web profile from the
database. (NOTE: Other available preset web profile names are "TEST", "PROD",
and "KIOSK".)
Web Profile Name:
User ID:
Re-type Password:[PTWEBSERVER]
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Select the Report Repository location:
Indiquez un nom de rÚpertoire ou cliquez sur EntrÚe. [c:\psreports] e:\psreports
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Setup Type :
Web server root directory :
Web server version :
Web server domain :
Internet Architecture app name :
Integration Gateway app name :
PeopleSoft Business Interlink app name :
PeopleSoft Online Library Infrastructure :
Environment Management Hub :
Hello Portlet app name :
Portlet Container app name :
Testsuite app name :
Wsrptest app name :
Site name :
Authentication Token Domain :
Application server name :
JSL port :
HTTP port :
HTTPS port :
Report repository directory :
PIA webserver directory :
Cliquez sur 1 pour Suivant, 2 pour PrÚcÚdent, 3 pour annuler ou 5 pour afficher
Ó nouveau [1]
Total time: 0 seconds
Deploy Completed. Click next to finish the install.
The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.
Cliquez sur 3 pour terminer ou 5 pour afficher Ó nouveau [3]
9. Start you WebServer and enjoy with your front end application on XP
Attempting to start WebLogic Server 'PIA'
starting weblogic with Java version:
java version "1.5.0_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode)
11 juin 2008 22 h 03 CEST Notice WebLogicServer BEA-000360 Server started in RUNNING mode
Lastly, in your favorite browser :
So, no issue on the installation of Application and Web servers. But once more, it is not supported.
Have fun,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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wonderful work:
i visited a few months ago all your pages about psoft.
today i was on the forum...i will start participating soon..
i have succesfuly install psoft with mssql and oracle on Xppro many times..
but a never succeed installing tuxedo on linux (centos redhat sles10) do you have more info thant the tips about install ksh and ncompress....
(in fact I have installed one time a tuxedo for psoft in vmare vm but i did it after so many manipulations that i cannot remember)
i am new in i have so many problem when i install peoplesoft hrms on oracle.when i installed peopletools ,hrms ,oracle when i install the database,but the database configuration widize can not run well.when i Creating a Database Manually on Windows,i follow the peoplebooks document .but there are so many errors when i create the i need your help.can you give me some steps.
thasks very much!
thanks again!
i am waiting from you!
my msn is
Hey Gasparotto, thanks for posting this. I installed the 8.49 from mediapk v12. is there a patch from the ftp site that I still might need to apply? (i don't have access to CC right now)
Amr Malik, you can find all the Peopletools patches, Tuxedo patches and Weblogic/WebSphere patches onto
However, the Peopletools patches are protected by a password only knowledgeable if you have an access to the support.
Thanks Gasparotto, I can unzip it no problem. just needed to know if I still need the patch after getting the install cd's from edelivery (mediapk v12 for hcm)
I'm trying to create an windows based AMI and can't really use sql2k8 because the database wizard only checks the first character of the version (rather silly imo) and when it sees '1' it craps out.
I guess I'll have to think of creating an Amazon Psoft AMI using OEL/Oracle ...
Great blog! thanks for sharing your experiences!
Nice Work!! It is quite easy for anyone to follow these steps without any difficulty..! Good..!
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
I am trying to install tuxedo 10gr3 on windows xp but after starting the installation , I am getting this error " Error ! The value of TUXDIR is not set. Registry key--\\Environment\TUXDIR- is empty.
You must cancel the instalation". Someone told me that we can't install tuxedo 10gr3 on windows xp. Please help.
Thanks for providing a lot of useful information here. A great article. Window Installation Melbourne
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