As usual, it is available on
The Peopletools are now in 3 CDs (instead of 7 for PT8.49 !) :
V17557-01 => 1.2Gb
V17558-01 => 1.9Gb
V17559-01 => 308Mb
I'm still wondering why not doing on DVD format, or why doing a third CD so small ?
Tuxedo is coming with version 10gR3, reference and size are depending of your plateform, but here for Linux (only 64bits is available) :
V15055-01 => 71Mb
Finally, Weblogic , coming in version 11gR1 (it is rather confusing, actually the version is 10.3.1), reference and size are depending of your plateform, but here for Linux :
V16997-01 => 587Mb
The documentation is also available on usual website, and especially the installation guide, depending of the database type you are installing Peopletools onto :
Note, the licence code are provided in a pdf document format.
I'm still wondering why the need of this licence code, why not just ask for the database type ?
I suggested it on, feel free to add your voice :
Time to have a first look into it.
I'll write tutorial in a few weeks time, maybe once Peoplesoft 9.1 will come out (there will come based on Peopletools 8.50).
Ok, now the installation. I'm doing this installation on my lab, OEL5.3 64-bits and Oracle database 11gR2 64-bits (I know it is not yet certified, but on the way).
1. Tuxedo :
By running the installer, we are feeling the Oracle touch, you are prompted to create an Oracle home directory to install Tuxedo :
Well, nothing much to say, standard install, and finally checking :===============================================================================
Choose Oracle Home
1- Create new Oracle Home
Enter a number: 1
Specify a new Oracle Home directory: /apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3
2. Weblogic :[tuxedo@orion2:/nfs/software/PeopleSoftCD/BEA/Tuxedo/Oracle_Tuxedo_10gR3_Linux_64]$ cd /apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3
[tuxedo@orion2:/apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3]$ export TUXDIR=/apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3
[tuxedo@orion2:/apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3]$ . $TUXDIR/tux.env
[tuxedo@orion2:/apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3]$ $TUXDIR/bin/tmadmin -v
INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)
Again, the installer has been greatly modified to make it "more Oracle" like.
<-- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------->
Choose Middleware Home Directory:
"Middleware Home" = [Enter new value or use default "/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware"]
Enter new Middleware Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
Here you're also promted to keep update with the lastest version of Oracle :
<----- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ----------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues,
install the product, and initiate configuration manager.
2|My Oracle Support Password:[]
3|Receive Security Update:[Yes]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
<----- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ----------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues,
install the product, and initiate configuration manager.
"Receive Security Update:" = [Enter new value or use default "Yes"]
Enter [Yes][No]? No
<----- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ----------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues,
install the product, and initiate configuration manager.
"Receive Security Update:" = [Enter new value or use default "Yes"]
** Do you wish to bypass initiation of the configuration manager and
** remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration?
Enter [Yes][No]? Yes
I find it rather confusing, "No" I don't want to receive security update and "Yes", I want to keep "uninformed"...The documentation about Weblogic installation strongly recommand to get the latest patch of the JDK/JRockit.
Why not having it by default ?
3. Peopletools on Linux (64bits) - console :
Only three CDs have to be unzipped (disk1, disk2 and disk3 folders in one directory).
Here changes are doing life simpler, firstly the command line is simply "" and the licence code is only one field to fill up.
But again, you're prompt to keep (un)informed of security update... maybe it is me, but here we're talking about a server installation, not a workstation...
And, a good one, we are not prompt for the next CD anymore like it was in the previous release.
4. Peopletools on Windows (client) - GUI :
The main difference with a console mode, the licence code are still divided in 6 fields...
This is a Java, and you could have to allow the program to be executed onto Windows :

5. Database :
I did not create database from scratch, need more time and disk space, but I reused a FSCM9 database (working on Peopletools 8.49).
So, I just managed an upgrade to the latest Peopletools release, the steps very similar of previous release, with some slight differences, including an activation of TIMESTAMP (script upgdboptions_enabletimestamps.sql), and some additional Application Engine (UPGPTSERVOPR, UPGPT850PTFP).
Again, patience and time are required, the project are very big and the project load and build take quite a while.
6. Application server :
Here two warning with big differences compared with Peopletools 8.4x, some environment variables are not set by default into
TUXDIR must be set to the Tuxedo home directory, otherwise you cannot configure and start a domain.
PS_CFG_HOME must also be set to the directory you want your domain configuration files, otherwise those files are going into /home/
You can set those variables in the .profile (or .bash_profile, depending of your plateform), i.e. :
I'm not sure to understand why it has be remove from standard configuration settings, but I'm sure that'll cause some headache if they are not set to find the config files.[ptools@orion2:/home/ptools]$ more .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export ORACLE_HOME=/apps/oracle/product/11.2.0
export TUXDIR=/apps/bea/tuxedo/10gR3
export PS_HOME=/apps/psoft/ptools850
7. PIA :
Again, the installer command line has been greatly simplify, just run Oracle Applicatoin Server has been removed from the choice, we've now only Weblogic and WebSphere, quite understandable.
A slight difference is about the password of the system user, you should take care about if you're upgrading an existing database (and used by report node) :
8. Connection :Please enter the administrator login and password for WebLogic domain.
Login ID [system]:
Password [Passw0rd]:
Re-type Password [Passw0rd]:
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :
Few very first impression, the "Processing" on the top right has been replace by a kind of wheel, and some dialog box are coming up in front, looks nice and more "modern" style.

9. (update 21-SEPT-2009) Following the advice from Bauke Gehem (see comment below), I changed the settings to get a very nice look :

Enoy this version.
UPDATE : about the Application server settings, I set it as you can show it in my .bash_profile, but did not tell about :
$TUXDIR/lib must be added into LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
$TUXDIR/bin must be added into PATH variable
By setting PS_CFG_HOME=$PS_HOME, you keep the old "flavor" of directories, domains are coming as under $PS_HOME/appserv.
A) In PT8.49.14, first release supported on Linux 64 bit (OEL/RHEL5.x), there was a workaround
to make it work in like I explained here :
Right now, with in Peopletools 8.50, it is set by default :
PS_HOSTTYPE="oel-5-x86_64"; export PS_HOSTTYPE
B) We can say Peopletools 8.50 is the first release really 64-bits on Linux, no need anymore to make link from 64bits library to 32bits library. The proof is I used 11gR2 64bits (without any 32bits libraries). Good one !
UPDATE 3 : certification matrix, very important, Peopletools 8.50 is only certified onto 64bits server (Unix/Linux/Windows) !
Use the following settings for an even better look:
Main Menu->PeopleTools->Utilities->Administration->PeopleTools Options:
Main Menu->PeopleTools->Portal->General Settings:
Navigation Type: Drop-Down
PeopleTools->Portal->Portal Utilities->System Options:
Thank you, I updated the article. Looks much better indeed ! Much newer style !
So, Guys whats the final outcome...
- Are Client tools like App Designer/DataMover on PeopleTools 8.5 are working on 64 bit (windows/Unix)?
If not how to make them work
Also, With installation of PT8.5 & HCM 9.1 what 'll be the supported latest versions of:
- Weblogic
- Tuxedo
- Cobol Compiler
- Oracle 11g (r1 or r2)
- Crystal Reports
Your help is much appreciated !
You can find all the required software on
And yes, PT8.50 is 64-bit certified only.
Hi Nicolas,
Iam at step5, I also had demo database for ptools 8.49. I want to reuse the existing database for 8.50 Could you please let me know how you reused your exisisting database for peopletools 8.50
looking forward for your response
Siva, you should upgrade youe demo 8.49 following the Peoplesoft installation guide, chapter "Upgrade to the Latest Peopletools version".
Hi Nic,
As mentioned, Iam able to upgrade the existing database to get in sync with 8.50. All Appserver , Webserver and database server are up and running. I logged in with PS userid but Iam getting "Authorization Error". Following is the Appserver log. Any idea on how to proceed furthur.
Log Details:
Error in service HomepageT, CREF with URL can not be found: http://MACHINENAME:portnumber/psp/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/?tab=DEFAULT', null);
PSAPPSRV.4948 (19) HomepageTemplate](1)
Failed to execute HomepageTemplate request
Service HomepageT failed
Hi Siva,
I have the same issuem I have performend an HCM 9.1 with PSTools 8.51.06 installation and everything works fine.
Login into the System with PS/PS I get the error
Invalid URL - unknown Content Type or no Content Type found in URL. http://madarrppvrrhhsgin:8000/psp/psdemo/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/?tab=DEFAULT
I saw I'm able to login if I change the URL addind "h/" before ?tab=DEFAULT
ANyone knows what could be
Best regards and Thanks
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