Sunday, February 28, 2010

Peoplesoft Process scheduler PT8.50

Connect on your front end application with PS user (HCM, VP1 for other applications).

1. Define your local node with password authentication
2. Create a report nodes

=> note, leave the LoginId and password blank, otherwise you could receive the following error message when posting process reports.
From stdout file (prcs/domain/LOGS) :
NULL HTTP response - check Report Repository web server. (63,70)
Message: Unable to post report/log file for Process Instance: 868, Report Id: 714
Process Name: PSXPARCHATTR, Type: Application Engine
Description: XML Publisher Archive
Directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868

From DSTAGNT_xxxx.LOG (prcs/domain/LOGS) :
PSDSTSRV.1982 (7) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](2) =====================================================================
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) Number of new entries to process: 1
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) 1. Process Instance: 868/Report Id: 714/Descr: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) from directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](1) PSJNI: Java exception thrown: Stream closed.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) HTTP transfer error.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) Post Report Elapsed Time: 0.0200
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) Number of new entries to process: 1
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) 1. Process Instance: 868/Report Id: 714/Descr: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) from directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) PSJNI: Java exception thrown: Stream closed.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) HTTP transfer error.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) Post Report Elapsed Time: 0.0200
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) =================================Error===============================
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) Unable to post report/log file for Process Instance: 868, Report Id: 714
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Process Name: PSXPARCHATTR, Type: Application Engine
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Description: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) =====================================================================

3. Add the report node to the process server (here PSUNX) :

4. Add the ReportDistAdmin role to the user used to manage the process scheduler (to start it, defined in the process scheduler configuration file) - here PS :
4. You can define the local gateway, based on the webserver url, and load the connector :
Ping to confirm the input
5. Add the local node to your Gateway
Ping the local node to confirm the input
6. Create a new process scheduler, configure and start the process scheduler
Quick-configure menu -- Scheduler for Database: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Master Schdlr : Yes 5) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) App Eng Server : Yes 6) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
7) PrcsServer :[PSUNX]
8) UserId :[PS]
9) UserPswd :[PS]
10) ConnectID :[people]
11) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
12) ServerName :[]
Actions 13) Log/Output Dir:[%PS_SERVDIR%/log_output]
========= 14) SQRBIN :[%PS_HOME%/bin/sqr/%PS_DB%/bin]
3) Load config as shown 15) AddToPATH :[%PS_HOME%/cblbin]
4) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-15, h, or q): 3
Loading validation table...
setting DBName=hc91dmo
setting DBType=ORACLE
setting UserId=PS
setting UserPswd=PS
setting ConnectId=people
setting ConnectPswd=peop1e
setting ServerName=
setting PrcsServerName=PSUNX
setting Log/Output Directory=%PS_SERVDIR%/log_output
setting Add to PATH=%PS_HOME%/cblbin
setting SQRBIN=%PS_HOME%/bin/sqr/%PS_DB%/bin
New CFG file written with modified Startup parameters

Log Directory entry not found in configuration file.
Setting Log Directory to the default... [PS_SERVDIR/LOGS]
Spawning enabled for server PSDSTSRV.
Configuration file successfully created.
CFG setting changes completed, loading configuration...
Process Scheduler Server configuration complete.

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration

1) Start a Process Scheduler Server
2) Stop a Process Scheduler Server
3) Configure a Process Scheduler Server
4) Create a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
5) Delete a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
6) Edit a Process Scheduler Configuration File
7) Import an existing Process Scheduler Configuration
8) Show Status of a Process Scheduler Server
9) Kill a Process Scheduler Server
10) Clean IPC resources of a Process Scheduler Domain

q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1

Database list:

1) hc91dmo

Select item number to start: 1

No Archive subdirectory, creating it...
No psprcs.cfg in the Archive subdirectory, creating it...

Starting Process Scheduler Server PSUNX for Database hc91dmo ...

Booting all admin and server processes in /apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/prcs/hc91dmo/PSTUXCFG
INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)

Booting admin processes ...

exec BBL -A :
process id=24737 ... Started.

Booting server processes ...

exec PSMSTPRC -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSMSTPRC :
process id=24739 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24764 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24772 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24781 ... Started.
exec PSDSTSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -p 1,600:1,1 -sPostReport -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSDSTSRV :
process id=24789 ... Started.
exec PSPRCSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -sInitiateRequest -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSPRCSRV :
process id=24799 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -ID 135074 -PS PSUNX -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=24811 ... Started.
8 processes started.

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration

1) Start a Process Scheduler Server
2) Stop a Process Scheduler Server
3) Configure a Process Scheduler Server
4) Create a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
5) Delete a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
6) Edit a Process Scheduler Configuration File
7) Import an existing Process Scheduler Configuration
8) Show Status of a Process Scheduler Server
9) Kill a Process Scheduler Server
10) Clean IPC resources of a Process Scheduler Domain

q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) :

7. Now, you should be able to run process against the process server defined above


Web Server - Weblogic 11gR1

Assuming you already installed Weblogic 11gR1 with user weblogic and have a /psreports repository created onto your system.
1. PIA deployment
[root@orion3:/apps]# su - weblogic
[weblogic@orion3:/home/weblogic]$ cd /apps/psoft/hc91
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91]$ . ./
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91]$ cd ./setup/PsMpPIAInstall
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/setup/PsMpPIAInstall]$ ./
Setting temporary directory /tmp/IA.23067
Executing setup.linux -DPS_UMASK=0022
Preparing to install...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...

Launching installer...

Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...

PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision)


Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.

Using the InstallShield Wizard you will install PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture on your computer.

Version: 8.50.06

Note: If installing onto a Oracle WebLogic Server, make sure to shutdown any
running web servers to avoid web server corruption.

Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :

Choose the directory where you wish to deploy PeopleSoft Pure Internet
Architecture :

Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/apps/psoft/hc91]
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :


Choose the installation type that best suits your needs.

->1- Oracle WebLogic Server
2- IBM WebSphere Server

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0] :

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :


Select the web server root directory [/opt/bea]: /apps/mdlware

Detected web server version : WebLogic 10.3.1

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :


Please enter the administrator login and password for WebLogic domain.

Login ID [system]:

Password [Passw0rd]:

Re-type Password [Passw0rd]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :

->1- Create New WebLogic Domain

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0] :

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :
Enter domain name or click Next to select default [peoplesoft]

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :


Please select the configuration to install.

->1- Single Server Domain
2- Multi Server Domain
3- Distributed Managed Server

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0] :

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :


Please specify a name for the PeopleSoft web site:

Website name [ps]: hc91dmo

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :

Enter port numbers and summaries.

AppServer name [orion3]:

JSL Port [9000]:

HTTP Port [80]: 8000

HTTPS Port [443]: 8443

Authentication Token Domain:(optional) []:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :
Please enter the Name of the Web Profile used to configure the webserver. The
user id and password will be used to retrieve the web profile from the
database. (NOTE: Other available preset web profile names are TEST", "PROD",and

Web Profile Name [DEV]:



Re-type Password [PTWEBSERVER]:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :

Select the Report Repository location:
Please specify a directory name or press Enter [/home/weblogic/PeopleSoft
Internet Architecture/psreports]: /psreports

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :
Setup Type : weblogic

Web server root directory : /apps/mdlware

Web server version : 10.3

Web server domain : peoplesoft

Internet Architecture app name : PORTAL

Integration Gateway app name : PSIGW

PeopleSoft Business Interlink app name : PSINTERLINKS

PeopleSoft Online Library Infrastructure : PSOL

Environment Management Hub : PSEMHUB

Hello Portlet app name : helloportletapp

Portlet Container app name : pspc

Testsuite app name : testsuite

Wsrptest app name : wsrptest

Site name : hc91dmo

Authentication Token Domain :

Application server name : orion3

JSL port : 9000

HTTP port : 8000

HTTPS port : 8443

Report repository directory : /psreports

PIA webserver directory : /apps/psoft/hc91/webserv

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] :



Installation Complete

Congratulations! PeopleSoft Internet Architecture has been successfully
installed to:


Press "Done" to quit the installer.



2. Start the web server
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/setup/PsMpPIAInstall]$ cd ../../webserv/peoplesoft/bin/
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ ./

Hard limit value of the file descriptors on this system is set to 1024
In order to run the server process with 4096 file descriptors,
increase the hard limit on the system equal or higher than the number

Attempting to start WebLogic Server PIA
No activity will be logged to this window.
Server activity will be logged to /apps/psoft/hc91/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_*
PID for WebLogic Server PIA is: 24042
[weblogic@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/webserv/peoplesoft/bin]$ tail -f /apps/psoft/hc91/webserv/peoplesoft/servers/PIA/logs/PIA_stdout.log

3. Note : to avoid warning on kernel parameter, you may want to modify the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf for weblogic user
[root@orion3:/]# tail -20 /etc/security/limits.conf
#* soft core 0
#* hard rss 10000
#@student hard nproc 20
#@faculty soft nproc 20
#@faculty hard nproc 50
#ftp hard nproc 0
#@student - maxlogins 4
# End of file
oracle soft nofile 131072
oracle hard nofile 131072
oracle soft nproc 131072
oracle hard nproc 131072
oracle soft core unlimited
oracle hard core unlimited
oracle soft memlock 50000000
oracle hard memlock 50000000
weblogic - nofile 65536
weblogic - nproc 65536
weblogic - core unlimited
weblogic - memlock 50000000

4. Finally, you can connect onto the application within your browser :


Saturday, February 27, 2010

HCM9.1ML : Request Absence not translated

Few weeks ago, I installed the multilingual package on top of Peoplesoft OVM (HCM9.1/PT8.50.02).
At that time, I installed French only as additional language without any issue.

Over the testing, it appears the request absence page is not translated.
Here the English page :
Here below the same page once connected in French (note the menu is in French, not the content of the page) :
After a quick tour on our lovely My Oracle Support website, it looks to be a known issue, this page is not translated to any languages, there are missing translation in table PS_HR_SSTEXT_LANG.
There is a fix to be applied UPD817664ML (included in bundle #1). If you have PSCA configured, you should use it of course to apply this update (it is even more recommended), but sinced I'm on PSOVM, there is no PSCA (yet ?), so let's do that manually, after all, only one project and one DMS (one datamover script per language you've installed on the database).

1. Open AppDesigner from a Windows workstation, and copy the project :

2. Check the language(s) you've previously installed on the database :

3. Open DMS, and run the datamover scripts according to the language(s) you've previously installed on your database :

4. Lastly, you can refresh the Request absence page, and you'll see the text content in French (here) or in the language you are connected through.

This fix is a prerequisite of ML installation before going to production.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Peoplesoft Application Server 8.50.06

Connect onto the application server box with the owner of the Peopletools installation software.
For more information about hc91 user used below (including the .bash_profile), please read the previous article about Peopletools 8.50 installation.
Run $PS_HOME/appserv/psadmin, create and configure a new domain. And run it.
Note : no need aymore to create link from 32bit to 64bit Oracle libraries, the Peopletools application server 8.50 is really a 64bit application, moreover since I'm working within Oracle 11gR2 server, it does not have the 32bit libraries.
You may want to verify a sql connection before doing the following.
[hc91@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/scripts]$ cd $PS_HOME/appserv
[hc91@orion3:/apps/psoft/hc91/appserv]$ ./psadmin

PSADMIN -- Tools Release: 8.50.06
Copyright (c) 1988, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

PeopleSoft Server Administration

1) Application Server
2) Process Scheduler
3) Search Server
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-3, q): 1

PeopleSoft Application Server Administration

1) Administer a domain
2) Create a domain
3) Delete a domain
4) Import domain configuration
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-4, q) : 2

Please enter name of domain to create :hc91dmo

Configuration templates:

1) medium
2) small
3) developer
4) large

Select config template number: 2

Creating domain...
Copying application server configuration files...
Copying [/apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/small.cfx] to [/apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/hc91dmo/psappsrv.cfg]
Stripping Annotations...
Copying [/apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/small.cfx] to [/apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/hc91dmo/psappsrv.cfx]
Copying Jolt repository file...
Copying Java Query client files...
Domain created.

Would you like to configure this domain now? (y/n) [y] :

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[QEDMO]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[QEDMO]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: Yes 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : Yes 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

HINT: Enter 15 to edit DBNAME, then 13 to load

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 8 -- for now I don't want event viewer

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[QEDMO]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[QEDMO]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : Yes 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 11 -- for now I don't want analytic server

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[QEDMO]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[QEDMO]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 17 -- choose the option you want to change the value for

Enter new setting for UserId [QEDMO]:PS

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[PS]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[QEDMO]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 18 -- choose the option you want to change the value for

Enter new setting for UserPswd [QEDMO]:PS

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[PS]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[PS]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 19 -- choose the option you want to change the value for

Enter new setting for DomainID [TESTSERV]:hc91dmo

Quick-configure menu -- domain: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[PS]
4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[PS]
5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[hc91dmo]
6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[.]
7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9000]
12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]

13) Load config as shown
14) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu

Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): 13 -- load the configuration file
Performing load prechecks ...
Loading validation table...
setting DBName=hc91dmo
setting DBType=ORACLE
setting UserId=PS
setting UserPswd=PS
setting ConnectId=people
setting ConnectPswd=peop1e
setting ServerName=
setting Port=7000
setting Port=9000
setting Listener Port=9100
setting Domain ID=hc91dmo
setting Add to PATH=.
New CFG file written with modified Startup parameters

Log Directory entry not found in configuration file.
Setting Log Directory to the default... [PS_SERVDIR/LOGS]
Spawning disabled for server PSAPPSRV.
Configuration file successfully created.
CFG setting changes completed
Loading configuration...
Domain configuration complete.

PeopleSoft Domain Administration
Domain Name: hc91dmo

1) Boot this domain
2) Domain shutdown menu
3) Domain status menu
4) Configure this domain
5) TUXEDO command line (tmadmin)
6) Edit configuration/log files menu
7) Messaging Server Administration menu
8) Purge Cache
9) Preload File Cache
10) Clean IPC resources of this domain
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1

PeopleSoft Domain Boot Menu
Domain Name: hc91dmo

1) Boot (Serial Boot)
2) Parallel Boot
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-2, q) [q]: 1
No Archive subdirectory, creating it...
No psappsrv.cfg in the Archive subdirectory, creating it...
Attempting to boot bulletin board...
tmadmin - Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Oracle.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by Oracle.
Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
No bulletin board exists. Entering boot mode.

> INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)

Booting admin processes ...

exec BBL -A :
process id=22355 ... Started.
1 process started.
Attaching to active bulletin board.

> Attempting to boot ...
INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)

Booting server processes ...

exec PSWATCHSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -ID 175438 -D hc91dmo -S PSWATCHSRV :
process id=22360 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -s@psappsrv.lst -- -D hc91dmo -S PSAPPSRV :
process id=22362 ... Started.
exec PSAPPSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -s@psappsrv.lst -- -D hc91dmo -S PSAPPSRV :
process id=22407 ... Started.
exec PSSAMSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -D hc91dmo -S PSSAMSRV :
process id=22417 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -ID 175438 -D hc91dmo -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=22442 ... Started.
exec JSL -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -n //orion3.phoenix-nga:9000 -m 5 -M 7 -I 5 -j ANY -x 40 -S 10 -c 1000000 -w JSH :
process id=22465 ... Started.
exec JREPSVR -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -W -P /apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/hc91dmo/jrepository :
process id=22472 ... Started.
7 processes started.

PeopleSoft Domain Administration
Domain Name: hc91dmo

1) Boot this domain
2) Domain shutdown menu
3) Domain status menu
4) Configure this domain
5) TUXEDO command line (tmadmin)
6) Edit configuration/log files menu
7) Messaging Server Administration menu
8) Purge Cache
9) Preload File Cache
10) Clean IPC resources of this domain
q) Quit

Command to execute (1-10, q) :

Peoplesoft Database creation - Part III

The last part of the Peoplesoft database creation should be done either you created the database manually or through the DBWizard. Two steps here, PSVERSION AppEngine, and sqr script SETSPACE.


2. SQR script to be run after created a shortcut for $PS_HOME%/bin/sqr/ora/binw/sqrw.exe

Now, the Application server can be configured and started.

Peoplesoft database creation - Part II

After creating the database in the database creation part I, it is time to load the Peoplesoft obects.
The scripts to be apply are under $PS_HOME/scripts, the projects under $PS_HOME/projects
This part is entirely dedicated to the manual database load - this is not required if you are using the DBWizard as I explained earlier in an other article.

Before hands, add the tns antry for the remote database, and test the connectivity from the client workstastion.

1. Configure the connectid within Configuration Manager

2. Run the DataMover and connect in boot strap mode (Peoplesoft's owner, generally SYSADM)

3. File > Database Setup
4. If you're working on a Unicode database, check Unicode and choose a proper characterset.
5. Check DEMO database to build a database with some data sample (typically for training purpose or developement) and SYS to build a database without data sample (UAT and production database). For more details about DMO and SYS difference, read this article. In addition, add the languages you want to see in your application
note : in the screen below, the access password is specified by default in upper case (it could be an issue on 11g with password case sensitivity feature activated if the sysadm's password has been defined in lower case)
The base language is most often "English", to make your life easier leave it in English.
Finally run the script, be aware, over the network, it could take several hours to complete.

NOTE : it is important to know, since it is a HCM9.1 installation, you don't have to upgrade the Peopletools to the latest release. All Peoplesoft applications 9.1 have been built on Peopletools 8.50 and consequently they are already on the latest Peopletools level.

6. Try to connect onto the AppDesigner with the HCM default user PS/PS
If the connection fails as showed above, run the %PS_HOME%/scripts/grant.sql to give the grant required to people user (connectid).

If it fails again, verify the PSACCESSPRFL table, ACCESSID and ACCESSPWD, if they are equal, you may have to change the Oracle SYSADM user's password in upper case as below :

The connection to AppDesigner should succeed.

7. The following step is dedicated to the Multilingual installation. If you don't install a ML database, skip this step and go directly to the part III of the database creation.
7.1 Copy the project PPLTLSML from file under %PS_HOME%/projects

Choose only the language(s) you want to see in your application

7.2 Go to the DataMover with PS user
7.3 open and run the script(s) %PS_HOME%/scripts/pt850tlsxxx.dms (xxx is being your code language you are installing).