1. Define your local node with password authentication

From stdout file (prcs/domain/LOGS) :
NULL HTTP response - check Report Repository web server. (63,70)
Message: Unable to post report/log file for Process Instance: 868, Report Id: 714
Process Name: PSXPARCHATTR, Type: Application Engine
Description: XML Publisher Archive
Directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
From DSTAGNT_xxxx.LOG (prcs/domain/LOGS) :
PSDSTSRV.1982 (7) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](2) =====================================================================
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) Number of new entries to process: 1
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) 1. Process Instance: 868/Report Id: 714/Descr: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) from directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](1) PSJNI: Java exception thrown: java.io.IOException: Stream closed.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) HTTP transfer error.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (8) [02/28/10 11:32:52 PostReport](3) Post Report Elapsed Time: 0.0200
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) Number of new entries to process: 1
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) 1. Process Instance: 868/Report Id: 714/Descr: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) from directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) PSJNI: Java exception thrown: java.io.IOException: Stream closed.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) HTTP transfer error.
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](3) Post Report Elapsed Time: 0.0200
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) =================================Error===============================
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](1) Unable to post report/log file for Process Instance: 868, Report Id: 714
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Process Name: PSXPARCHATTR, Type: Application Engine
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Description: XML Publisher Archive
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) Directory: /home/psadm2/ps/pt/8.50/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_PSXPARCHATTR_868
PSDSTSRV.1982 (9) [02/28/10 11:33:07 PostReport](2) =====================================================================
3. Add the report node to the process server (here PSUNX) :

Quick-configure menu -- Scheduler for Database: hc91dmo
Features Settings
========== ==========
1) Master Schdlr : Yes 5) DBNAME :[hc91dmo]
2) App Eng Server : Yes 6) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
7) PrcsServer :[PSUNX]
8) UserId :[PS]
9) UserPswd :[PS]
10) ConnectID :[people]
11) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
12) ServerName :[]
Actions 13) Log/Output Dir:[%PS_SERVDIR%/log_output]
========= 14) SQRBIN :[%PS_HOME%/bin/sqr/%PS_DB%/bin]
3) Load config as shown 15) AddToPATH :[%PS_HOME%/cblbin]
4) Custom configuration
h) Help for this menu
q) Return to previous menu
Enter selection (1-15, h, or q): 3
Loading validation table...
setting DBName=hc91dmo
setting DBType=ORACLE
setting UserId=PS
setting UserPswd=PS
setting ConnectId=people
setting ConnectPswd=peop1e
setting ServerName=
setting PrcsServerName=PSUNX
setting Log/Output Directory=%PS_SERVDIR%/log_output
setting Add to PATH=%PS_HOME%/cblbin
setting SQRBIN=%PS_HOME%/bin/sqr/%PS_DB%/bin
New CFG file written with modified Startup parameters
Log Directory entry not found in configuration file.
Setting Log Directory to the default... [PS_SERVDIR/LOGS]
Spawning enabled for server PSDSTSRV.
Configuration file successfully created.
CFG setting changes completed, loading configuration...
Process Scheduler Server configuration complete.
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration
1) Start a Process Scheduler Server
2) Stop a Process Scheduler Server
3) Configure a Process Scheduler Server
4) Create a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
5) Delete a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
6) Edit a Process Scheduler Configuration File
7) Import an existing Process Scheduler Configuration
8) Show Status of a Process Scheduler Server
9) Kill a Process Scheduler Server
10) Clean IPC resources of a Process Scheduler Domain
q) Quit
Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1
Database list:
1) hc91dmo
Select item number to start: 1
No Archive subdirectory, creating it...
No psprcs.cfg in the Archive subdirectory, creating it...
Starting Process Scheduler Server PSUNX for Database hc91dmo ...
Booting all admin and server processes in /apps/psoft/hc91/appserv/prcs/hc91dmo/PSTUXCFG
INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)
Booting admin processes ...
exec BBL -A :
process id=24737 ... Started.
Booting server processes ...
exec PSMSTPRC -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSMSTPRC :
process id=24739 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24764 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24772 ... Started.
exec PSAESRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -- -CD hc91dmo -S PSAESRV :
process id=24781 ... Started.
exec PSDSTSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -p 1,600:1,1 -sPostReport -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSDSTSRV :
process id=24789 ... Started.
exec PSPRCSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -sInitiateRequest -- -CD hc91dmo -PS PSUNX -A start -S PSPRCSRV :
process id=24799 ... Started.
exec PSMONITORSRV -o ./LOGS/stdout -e ./LOGS/stderr -A -- -ID 135074 -PS PSUNX -S PSMONITORSRV :
process id=24811 ... Started.
8 processes started.
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration
1) Start a Process Scheduler Server
2) Stop a Process Scheduler Server
3) Configure a Process Scheduler Server
4) Create a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
5) Delete a Process Scheduler Server Configuration
6) Edit a Process Scheduler Configuration File
7) Import an existing Process Scheduler Configuration
8) Show Status of a Process Scheduler Server
9) Kill a Process Scheduler Server
10) Clean IPC resources of a Process Scheduler Domain
q) Quit
Command to execute (1-10, q) :
7. Now, you should be able to run process against the process server defined above
